Yen, Shih-Ching



Yen, Shih-Ching (顏士清)

Position:Assistant Professor
Joint Appointment:Department of Life Science
Contact Details:03-5715131 #34518
Research interests:Wildlife Management, Conservation Biology, Animal Behavior, Ecology




  • PhD, Department of Life Science, National Taiwan Normal University
  • MS, Department of Life Science, National Taiwan Normal University
  • BS, Department of Life Science, National Tsing Hua University

Previous academic positions

  • Assistant Professor, Center for General Education, National Taipei University
  • Adjunct Assistant Professor, Center for General Education, National Tsing Hua University
  • Postdoc, Department of Animal Science and Technology, National Taiwan University​​​​​​​


  • Wildlife Management
  • Conservation Biology
  • Animal Behavior
  • Ecology


Peer-reviewed Journal

Li, K.Y., C. Hsiao, S.C. Yen et al. Phylogenetic divergence associated with climate oscillations and topology illustrates the dispersal history of Formosan sambar deer (Rusa unicolor swinhoii) in Taiwan. Mammal Research 68, 283–294. (SCI)

Sun, Y. J., S. C. Yen, and T. H. Lin. 2022. Soundscape_IR: A source separation toolbox for exploring acoustic diversity in soundscapes. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 13, 2347– 2355. (SCI)

Fang, W. H., Y. H. Hsu, W. L. Lin, and S. C. Yen*. 2020. The function of avian mobbing: an experimental test of “attract the mightier” hypothesis. Animal Behaviour 170:229-233. *Corresponding Author. (SCI)

Liu, C. C., C. H. Chi, S. C. Yen, J. N. Liu, Y. T. Ju, C. L. Kang, C. H. Chang, and P. H. Yu. 2019. Blood lead and zinc levels of free living small carnivores in Taiwan and the impact on animal health. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 56:157-166 (SCI)

Yen, S. C., Y. T. Ju, P. J. L. Shaner, and H. L. Chen. 2019. Spatial and temporal relationship between native mammals and free-roaming dogs in a protected area surrounded by a metropolis. Scientific Reports 9:8161. (SCI)

Hu, C. H., P. H. Yu, C. L. Kang, and S. C. Yen*. 2019. Demography and welfare status of free-roaming dogs in Yangmingshan National Park, Taiwan. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 166:49-55. *Corresponding author. (SCI)

Yen, S. C., Y. Wang, P. H. Yu, Y. P. Kuan, Y. C. Liao, K. H. Chen, and G. J. Weng. 2019. Seasonal space use and habitat selection of sambar in Taiwan. Journal of Wildlife Management 83:22-31. (SCI)

Yen, S. C., C. Y. Lin, S. W. Hew, S. Y. Yang, C. F. Yeh, and G. J. Weng. 2015. Characterization of debarking behavior by sambar deer (Rusa unicolor) in Taiwan. Mammal Study 40:167-179. (SCI)

Yen, S. C., K. H. Chen, Y. Wang, and C. P. Wang. 2015. Residents’ attitudes toward the reintroduced sika deer in Kenting National Park, Taiwan. Wildlife Biology 21:220-226. (SCI)

Yen, S. C., Y. Wang, and H. Y. Ou. 2014. Habitat of the Vulnerable Formosan sambar deer Rusa unicolor swinhoii in Taiwan. Oryx 48:232-240.

Yen, S. C., B. S. Shieh , Y. T. Wang and Y. Wang. 2013. Rutting vocalizations of Formosan sika deer Cervus nippon taiouanus—Acoustic structure, seasonal and diurnal variations, and individuality. Zoological Science 30:025-1031.

Huang, J. H., Y. Y. Chen, Y. T. Huang, P. Y. Lin, Y. C. Chen, Y. F. Lin, S. C. Yen, P. Huang, and L. J. Chen. 2010. Rapid Prototyping for Wildlife and Ecological Monitoring. IEEE Systems Journal 4:198-209.




顏士清、王穎、賴冠榮、廖昱銓、高詩豪、陳匡洵、陳順其。2012。墾丁國家公園及鄰近地區臺灣梅花鹿(Cervus nippon taiouanus)之族群現況。22:27-40

顏士清、王穎、歐恆佑。2009。太魯閣國家公園臺灣水鹿Rusa unicolor swinhoii分布之預測。生物學報 44:89-96

陳順其、王穎、顏士清。2007。墾丁國家公園及鄰近地區野放臺灣梅花鹿(Cervus nippon taiouanus)之族群分佈。國家公園學報 17(2):43-70


Conference papers

Yen, S. C., Y. T. Ju, P. J. L. Shaner, and H. L. Chen. 2019. Good friends? Bad Friends? Effects of free-roaming dogs on native mammals and how to deal with it? International Congress for Conservation Biology, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia.

Yen, S. C., T. H. Lin, P. J. L. Shaner. 2019. An application of using acoustic and visual information to monitor activities of sika deer. International Symposium on Grids and Clouds (ISGC) 2019 & Soundscape Conference. Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. (Oral presentation)

Yen, S. C., Y. Wang, Y. C. Liao, K. H. Chen, P. H. Yu, and G. J. Weng. 2015. Space Use and Habitat Selection of Sambar Deer in Taroko National Park, Taiwan. Vth International Wildlife Management Congress. Sapporo, Japan. (Oral presentation)

Ju, Y. T., K. Y. Li, C. Y. Hung, Y. Wang, and S. C. Yen. 2015. Genetic Polymorphism and Characteristics of the Formosan Sambar. Vth International Wildlife Management Congress. Sapporo, Japan. (Oral presentation)

Hung, C. Y., Y. Wang, S. C. Yen, and Y. T. Ju. 2015. Genetic Structure of Formosan Sambar Deer Based on the Mitochondrial D-Loop Region. Vth International Wildlife Management Congress. Sapporo, Japan. (Poster)

Yen, S. C. 2014. Formosan sambar deer and its habitat in Taiwan. Symposium of deer conservation. Taipei, Taiwan. (Oral presentation)

Yen, S. C. and Y. Wang. 2012Habitat selection by Formosan sambar deer: Multiscale approaches using Habitat suitability modelling and GPS telemetry. 2012 Cross-Strait Symposium on Life Science. Taipei, Taiwan. (Oral Presentation)

Yen, S. C., Y. Wang, and H. Y. Ou. 2010. Predicted distribution and management implications of Formosan sambar (Rusa unicolor swinhoii) in Taiwan. The 7th International Deer Biology Congress. Huilo Huilo, Chile. (Oral Presentation)

Yen, S. C. and Y. Wang. 2008. Study on the vocalizations and related behavior of Formosan sika deer (Cervus nippon taiounaus) during rut. 2008 Conference on Bioacoustic-Related Research. Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Oral Presentation)

何欣澄、袁孝維、丁宗蘇、顏士清。2023。遊蕩犬對臺灣原生食肉動物生態棲位時空分化之影響。2023 動物行為暨生態研討會。臺中,臺灣。​​​​​​​


顏士清、朱有田、李佩珍、陳相伶。2018Effects of anthropogenic disturbances on occupancy of native mammals in Yangmingshan National Park107年森林資源永續發展研討會。臺中、臺灣。



顏士清。2017。台灣梅花鹿復育歷程與未來挑戰。第十三屆全國野生動物生態與資源保護學術研討會。成都,中國。(Oral presentation)

顏士清、林宗以、邱峋文、楊書懿、葉川逢、翁國精。2015。臺灣水鹿啃食樹皮之特性及對森林之可能影響。第十一屆全國野生動物生態與資源保護學術研討會。南京,中國。(Oral presentation)

顏士清、廖昱銓、陳匡洵、林子揚、王穎。2013。臺灣水鹿(Rusa unicolor swinhoii)之空間使用與棲地選擇初探。2013 年動物行為暨生態學研討會。花蓮,臺灣。 (Oral Presentation)

張郁琦、王穎、顏士清、廖昱銓、蘇志峰、張慧玲、陳俊山、朱有田、姜延年。2012。由粒線體 DNA 序列多態性建構臺灣水鹿遺傳地理親緣關係。2012 年動物行為、生態與全球變遷研討會。臺北、臺灣。(Poster)

孫佩妤、張郁琦、李冠逸、顏士清、鄭惠方、錢曉薇、孫于婷、陳俊山、蔡佩芳、朱何宗、林宗以、廖昱銓、王穎、李匡悌、裴家騏、翁國精、黃美秀、姜延年、朱有田。2012。臺灣長鬃山羊與臺灣水鹿的粒線體遺傳分化與親緣地理關係研究。101 年度森林資源永續經營研討會。臺北、臺灣。(Poster)

張郁琦、江慶華、洪千翊、李冠逸、李一泓、王穎、顏士清、林子揚、賴冠榮、王治華、陳世保、朱何宗、鄒月娥、張慧玲、蘇志峰、朱有田、姜延年。2010。由粒線體 DNA 序列與微衛星標記辨識臺灣水鹿個體之初探研究。2010 年臺灣森林經營之回顧與前瞻研討會。屏東、臺灣。(Poster)

洪千翊、張郁琦、江慶華、李冠逸、李一泓、王穎、李壽先、顏士清、林子揚、賴冠榮、陳彥君、王治華、朱何宗、鄒月娥、陳文明、馬協群、張慧鈴、蘇志峰、朱有田、姜延年。2010。以粒線體細胞色素 b 基因探討臺灣原生偶蹄目動物與亞洲偶蹄目動物之親緣關係。2010 年臺灣森林經營之回顧與前瞻研討會。屏東、臺灣。(Poster)

Popular Science

  • 顏士清。2023。更宏觀的思考動物保護:生態保育。思想 47, 265-273
  • 顏士清。2023。失控的遊蕩犬問題:別讓善意通往地獄,TNR絕對不是好解方。關鍵評論網
  • 顏士清。2021。國家公園可移除遊蕩水牛。蘋果日報論壇。
  • 朱有田、顏士清。2016。星空下的匿行者-麝香貓。動物園雜誌。
  • 顏士清。2015。鹿野現遊蹤、迷藏太魯閣。太魯閣國家公園管理處。
  • 顏士清。2014。從絕跡到重生-臺灣梅花鹿。科學人。第146期。
  • 顏士清。2013。淺談臺灣梅花鹿野外族群。綠野生態季刊。第32期。
  • 顏士清。2010。水鹿捕捉日記。野生動物保育與通訊彙報。第14卷第2期。
  • 顏士清。2008。山林中的傳說-臺灣水鹿。科學人。第81期。
  • 王穎、顏士清。2008。臺灣梅花鹿簡介。動物園雜誌。第109期。

Classes taught

  • Changes and Sustainability of Nature
  • ​​​​​​​Exploration and Practice for Wildlife Conservation
  • Classics in Nature Writing and Popular Science
  • Future Earth Ecology
  • Perspectives on Life Education
  • Ecology