



5/2 (二) 圖像竺震旦:泰戈爾的藝術實踐與文化足跡


5/4 (四) 從泰戈爾國際大學看中華民國與印度關係

1913 年印度詩人泰戈爾獲得諾貝爾文學獎,他用獎金在印度Shanti Niketan 建立國際大學。出於中印兩國千絲萬縷的因緣,泰戈爾又在校內設立中國學院。在典禮上,泰戈爾作了《中國和印度》的演講,誓言鞏固中印兩國人民文化交流和友誼。

1942年2月蔣委員長與夫人受英國總督之邀訪德里、轉到加爾各達見甘地,再轉赴Shanti Niketan 訪問國際大學。時值二戰方殷之際,蔣委員長發表演講由夫人翻譯為英文,透過印度廣播電台廣播,說明中印同受殖民主義之害,並支持戰後印度之自治(autonomy)。


5/9 (二絕對的自由與愛――泰戈爾在清華


 5/11 (四) 泰戈爾的世界觀 Tagore’s Worldview

Tagore travelled widely and passionately around the world, and formed deep friendship with prominent poets and intellectuals from many countries, who influenced, and were in turn influenced by, him. At the same time, he was very much rooted in the longstanding Indian thinking tradition and immersed in the awakening political consciousness of India then under British rule. His extensive global exposure and the India of his times shaped and refined his thoughts on nationalism, modernity and wars — the dominant worldwide trends of his active years. Tagore dreamt of a parallel world of universal humanism, defined not by political boundaries but by cultural assimilation, synthesizing the best of Eastern and Western heritages. At a time when the world was hierarchical and power associated closely with prosperity and might, Tagore’s appeal to cultural and civilizational heritages placed him apart from the dominant currents of political thought, winning him admirers and detractors alike.


