英家銘 職稱:副教授 |
- 國立臺灣師範大學數學系 博士(2010)
- 中原大學應用數學系 碩士(2003)
- 國立臺灣師範大學數學系 學士(1998)
- 國立臺北教育大學 數學暨資訊教育學系 助理教授、副教授(2018.02-2020.07)
- 臺北醫學大學通識教育中心 助理教授、副教授(2011.08-2018.01)
- 中原大學應用數學系 講師(2010.08-2011.07)
- Li Foundation Fellow, Needham Research Institute, University of Cambridge(2009.09-2010.03)
- 臺灣數學史教育學會理事(2024.02迄今)
- 臺灣數學史教育學會秘書長(2019.01-2024.01)
- 中央研究院科學史委員會委員(2013.08迄今)
- 朝鮮東算文化與其透過通識課程對大學生數學信念影響之探索研究(一年期,2022.08-2023.07)
- 日本江戶時代的算學流派論爭及其數學教育上之意義與應用探索研究(兩年期,2020.08 – 2022.07)
- 日本算額文化在中學數學教學應用之開發與探究(兩年期,2017.08–2019.07)
- 數學奠基模組行動應用程式 (Apps) 對於國小學生數學學習成效與動機之影響研究(兩年期,2016.08–2018.07)
- Ying, Jia-Ming (2022). “How can one visually represent the cheng 城 used by the Pre-Modern Actor? Some discussions concerning three-dimensional objects described in the Qin 秦 text Shu 數 and later mathematical treatises”. The History of Science Newsletter, 46, 37-64.
- Ying, Jia-Ming & Pan, Yi-Ping (2022). “A re-evaluation of the classical Chinese mathematical text Wucao Suanjing”. RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu B89, 23-32.
- 英家銘、黃俊瑋(2021)。內外有別的知識價值:文化如何影響數學知識的教育與傳播?以十七至十九世紀的朝鮮與日本為例。臺灣教育哲學,5(1):1-31。
- Ying, Jia-Ming & Su, Yi-Wen (2019). “A study on geometrical diagrams for 3-D objects in pre-modern East-Asian mathematical texts”. RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu B71, 39-56.
- Su, Yi-Wen, Su, Jim-Hong & Ying, Jia-Ming (2019). “A study on the teaching of Chinese Fangcheng method”. RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu B71, 57-66.
- Ying, Jia-Ming (2018). “Discussing the “nine chapters” without the Nine Chaptersin eighteenth-century Korea – the case of Cho T’ae-Gu”. RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu B69, Kyoto University: Kyoto), 17-32.
- Pollet, Charlotte & Ying, Jia-Ming (2017). “One quadratic equation, different understandings: the 13th century interpretations by Li Ye and later commentaries in 18th and 19th centuries”. Journal for History of Mathematics, 30 (3), 137-162.
- 陳姵蓉、康以諾、英家銘、唐功培(2017)。翻轉教室學習模式下自我效能、內在價值及測試焦慮與學習成就之交互影響:以微積分課程為例。嘉大教育研究學刊,38:71-103。
- Su, Jim-Hong & Ying, Jia-Ming (2016). “What did they mean by “calculation principles”?: Revisiting argumentative styles in late Ming to mid-Qing Chinese mathematics”. Korean Journal for the History of Science, 38(2), 351-376.
- Ying, Jia-Ming, Huang, Jyun-Wei & Su, Yi-Wen (2015). “An exploratory study on influences of a mathematical culture course on university students’ mathematics beliefs – the case in a medical university”. Taiwan Journal of Mathematics Education, 2(2), 1-24.
- Ying, Jia-Ming (2014). “Mathematical canons in practice: The case of nineteenth-century Korean scholar Nam Pyŏng-Gil and his evaluation of two major algebraic methods used in East Asia”. East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal, 8(3), 347–362.
- Su, Jim-Hong & Ying, Jia-Ming (2014). “Enhancing in-service mathematics teachers’ professional knowledge with an HPM approach as observed in teachers’ reflections”. Taiwan Journal of Mathematics Education, 1(1), 79-97.
- Ying, Jia-Ming (2013). “A survey of geometrical diagrams in Korean mathematical texts from the 17th to the 19th century”. Historia Scientiarum 23(1), 38-58.
- Ying, Jia-Ming (2011). “The Kujang sulhae: Nam Pyŏng-Gil’s reinterpretation of the mathematical methods of the Jiuzhang suanshu”. Historia Mathematica 38(1), 1-27.
- Gal, Hagar, Lin, Fu-Lai & Ying, Jia-Ming (2009). “Listen to the silence: The left-behind phenomenon as seen through classroom videos and teachers’ reflections”. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 7(2), 405-429.
- 英家銘(2024). 『九章十卷 – 新羅と高麗の数学教育·試験制度再考』. 「数学史の研究」,日本大阪:大阪產業大學。
- Ying, Jia-Ming, Hsieh, Chia-Jui & Tsai, Lin-Chieh (2024). “Influences of a liberal-art course about East-Asian mathematical cultures on university students’ mathematics beliefs”. HPM2024, Sydney: University of New South Wales.
- 英家銘(2023). 『紀元3世紀から6世紀まで中国の算学書の十進法小数』. RIMS共同研究(公開型)「数学史の研究」,日本京都:京都大學。
- Ying, Jia-Ming (2023). “Yi Sang-Hyŏk’s 李尙爀 understanding and innovations about the Sino-Western algebraic method Jiegenfang 借根方as seen in his Chagŭnbang Monggu 借根方蒙求 (1854)”. The 16th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia, Frankfurt am Main, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main.
- Chiu, C.-W., Hsieh, Chia-Jui & Ying, Jia-Ming (2023). “What can a mobile software application (app) do in the mathematics classroom?” In M. Ayalon, B. Koichu, R. Leikin, L. Rubel., & M. Tabach (Eds.). Proceedings of the 46th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, (Vol. 1, p. 369). University of Haifa.
- 英家銘 (2021). 『大眾數學知識的意外載體—日本寺社中的算額』. 第十二屆科學史研討會. 新竹:國立清華大學.
Ying, Jia-Ming (2020). “From Horse to Mathematics: Sangaku as a religious practice transformed into a popular culture of amusement in Edo Japan”. Science, Cosmology, and Religion in Pre-modern East-Asia. Hsinchu: National Tsing Hua University.
- Ying, Jia-Ming (2019). “Transmission of Mathematical Knowledge within Korean chungin clans in late Chosŏn period”. The 15th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia, 韓國全州:全北大學校。
- 英家銘、吳韋霖 (2018). 『朝鮮数学者南秉吉(1820-69)の四元術研究』. RIMS共同研究(公開型)「数学史の研究」,日本京都:京都大學。
- 英家銘、Rosalie Hosking (2018). 『愛知県岡崎市六所神社の算額』。2018全国和算大会,日本栃木県佐野市。
- Ying, Jia-Ming & Hsieh, Chia-Jui (2018). “What can a mobile software application (APP) do in the mathematics classroom? An example of a mathematics grounding activity (MGA) APP for cube nets”. EARCOME 8, Taipei, Taiwan.
- 英家銘、黃俊瑋 (2017). “A Comparison on the social statuses between mathematicians of Edo Japan and those of Chosŏn Korea”. 2017 全国和算大会,日本山形縣山形市。
- Ying, Jia-Ming (2017). “The use of history in mathematics teaching: The case of undergraduate liberal arts courses”. 2017 Symposium on the History of East Asian Mathematics, Taipei: University of Taipei.
- Ying, Jia-Ming & Huang, Jyun-Wei (2016). “The influence of mathematical classics on university students’ mathematics beliefs”. HPM 2016, Montpellier: Université de Montpellier.
- 洪萬生主編、英家銘協編(2024)《數之軌跡IV:再度邁向顛峰的數學》(ISBN:9789571477718)(三民書局:臺北)。
- 洪萬生主編、英家銘協編(2024)《數之軌跡III:數學與近代科學》(ISBN:9789571477701)(三民書局:臺北)。
- 洪萬生主編、英家銘協編(2023)《數之軌跡Ⅱ:數學的交流與轉化》(ISBN:9789571476995)(三民書局:臺北)。
- 洪萬生主編、英家銘協編(2023)《數之軌跡I:古代的數學文明》(ISBN:9789571476988)(三民書局:臺北)。
- 英家銘(2022)。《東亞傳統科學:日韓數學文化史》(ISBN:9789863631460)(滄海書局:臺中)。
- 英家銘、林宜潔、王柔懿、王俊斌(2020)。將企業邏輯帶入教育大學的學生求職連結。收入 廖慶榮、何希慧、陳錦華主編,《臺灣校務研究之學生就業與發展》(秀威資訊:臺北),頁159-172。
- Ying, Jia-Ming (2018). “Nam Byeong-gil (1820-1869): a Confucian mathematician and a “promoter” of mathematics in late Joseon period”. In Tsukane Ogawa & Mitsuo Morimoto (Eds.), Mathematics of Takebe Katahiro and History of Mathematics in East Asia, Advance Studies in Pure Mathematics 79 (Mathematical Society of Japan: Tokyo), 193-207.
- 英家銘(2017)。從數學到哲學與宗教:歐幾里德《幾何原本》的閱讀與迴響。收入林文琪主編,《經典教育論集─活化經典的教育理念與實踐》(臺北醫學大學:臺北),頁239-252。
- Ying, Jia-Ming (2016). “Transmission and Interactions among different types of geometrical argumentations: From Jesuits in China to Nam Pyŏng-Gil in Korea”. In Ju Shier, Benedikt Löwe, Thomas Müller & Xie Yun (Eds.), Cultures of Mathematics And Logic (Birkhäuser: Basel), 107-123.
- Ying, Jia-Ming (2022) “Han Qi 韩琦, Tongtian zhi xue: Yesu huishi he tianwenxue zai zhongguo de chuanbo通天之学:耶稣会士和天文学在中国的传播 [The Study of Communicating with Heaven: Jesuits and the Dissemination of Astronomy in China], Beijing: SDX Joint Publishing Company, 2018. 417 pp.”. East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal, 16(2), 256-258.
- Ying, Jia-Ming (2018). “Tina Su Lyn Lim and Donald B. Wagner, The Continuation of Ancient Mathematics: Wang Xiaotong’s Jigu suanjing, Algebra and Geometry in 7th-Century China, Copenhagen: NIAS Press, 2017, xii+220 pp.”. East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine, 47, 125-132.
- 英家銘(2021)。英語融入數學之雙語教學。收入陳錦芬主編,《雙語教學理論與實務》(國立臺北教育大學:臺北),頁183-198。
- 東亞科學經典:《九章算術》與早期中華帝國的世界
- 科學革命
- 前近代科學史
- 歐幾里得與西方文明中的數學
- 東亞傳統科學知識與社會
- History and Philosophy of Western Mathematics