


一、主題 (Topic)

  • 網路獵巫行動:群眾心理與被霸凌者的療癒
    Cyber-witch hunting: an examination of crowd behaviors and the effectiveness of trauma healing for victims

 二、時間 (Date)

  • 2023119() 19002100
    November 9, 2023 (Thur.) 19

 三、地點 (Venue)

  • 清華大學校本部旺宏館一樓國際會議廳
    International Conference Hall, Macronix Building (1F)

四、主持人 (Hosts)

  • 詹雨臻 (國立清華大學心諮系教授)
    Prof. Yu-Chen Chan (Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling, NTHU)
  • 李姝慧 (國立清華大學通識教育中心副教授)
    Associate Prof. Shu-Hui Lee (Center of General Education, NTHU)

五、講題資訊 (Seminar Information)

  • 講題一:社群媒體對群眾心理之極化與退化
    Speech I
    The polarization and simplification of crowd behaviors by social media
    Speaker: Chang Jen-Ho (Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica Associate Prof., Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University)

  • 講題二:看不見的刀留下的傷:網路被霸凌者的創傷與療癒
    Speech IIInvisible scars: trauma and healing for victims of cyberbullying
    Speaker: Wang Ming-Yu (Director of the Department of Psychiatry, China Medical University Hsinchu Hospital)

  • 報名網址:https://forms.gle/U453txhpLV4nABty9

   *This seminar falls under the scope of the general education curriculum. To protect the rights of students taking general education courses, online registration is limited, and it will be closed once the slots are filled. This seminar does not allow on-site registration. We apologize for any inconvenience.


  1. 由於本次活動報名人數眾多,活動場地將分為國際會議廳會場,及教育館3053093103間教室之視訊直播會場,國際會議廳會場需持入場券入場。
  2. 報名序號區間1-409之報名者請於10/26()10/31()10001600(星期六、日除外)通識教育中心(教育館2210辦公室)領取入場券。入場券號碼不代表進場順序。
  3. 1-409報名者如未於領券期間領取,其名額將釋出供410-509100位報名者候補領取入場券,採先到先領方式領取,領完為止。如釋出數量超過100張,則再通知510號之後之報名者領取。(候補領取期間:11/1(三)11/6()10001600(星期六、日除外),領取地點:通識教育中心(教育館2210辦公室))
  4. 如需代領入場券,需由代領者持被代領者之學生證或教職員證進行查驗後領取。
  5. 11/9活動當日,國際會議廳預計17:45開放報到進場,報到者需持入場券至入口報到區由工作人員進行查核後入場,最後報到時間為18:40,請務必儘早報到,俾利活動順利進行。入場券僅限本人使用,不得供多人重複使用。
  6. 410號以後之報名者可於活動當日1810逕至教育館3305309310教室報到入場觀看視訊直播,或依前述規定候補領取入場券至國際會議廳參加活動。直播現場會以Slido模式開啟Q&A的提問。
  7. 本活動會於現場錄影及錄音,報名本活動即代表授權主辦單位紀錄及使用個人肖像權,並同意主辦單位重製或剪輯活動現場蒐集之影像及聲音做為日後網路宣傳資料。


Event Guidelines 

  1. Due to the large number of registrations for this event, and the event venue will be divided into two locations: the International Conference Hall and video streaming venues in classrooms 305, 309, and 310. Admission to the International Conference Hall requires a valid entry ticket.
  2. Registrants with serial numbers in the range of 1-409 are kindly requested to collect their entry passes from the General Education Center (Office 210, 2nd floor of the Education Building) between October 26th (Thursday) and October 31st (Tuesday) from 10:00 to 16:00, excluding weekends. Please note that the entry pass number does not determine the order of entry.
  3. Registrants with serial numbers 1-409 who fail to collect their entry passes during the designated period will have their slots released for 100 waitlisted registrants with serial numbers 410-509. Entry passes will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis until all are claimed. If the number of released passes exceeds 100, then registrants with serial numbers 510 and beyond will be notified for collection. (Waitlist collection period: from November 1, Wednesday to November 6th, Monday, between 10:00 and 16:00, excluding weekends, at the General Education Center, Office 210 on the 2nd floor of the Education Building).
  4. If you need to collect an entry pass on behalf of someone else, the representative must present the student ID or staff ID of the person they are representing for verification before receiving the pass.
  5. On the day of the event, November 9th, the International Conference Hall is expected to open for check-in and entry at 17:45. Check-in participants must present their entry passes at the entrance check-in area for verification by staff. The latest check-in time is 18:40, so please ensure that you check in as early as possible to facilitate the smooth progress of the event. Entry passes are for individual use only and should not be shared or used by multiple individuals.
  6. Registrants with serial numbers 410 and above can check in to view the live video broadcast in Education Building rooms 305, 309, or 310 at 18:10 on the day of the event. Alternatively, they can follow the earlier instructions to waitlist and collect entry passes to attend the event in the International Conference Hall. A Slido Q&A session will be available for live attendees.
  7. This event will be videotaped and recorded on-site. Registering for this event implies consent to authorize the organizers to record and use your personal image, as well as agreeing to allow the organizers to reproduce or edit the collected images and sounds from the event for future online promotional materials.
    *The organizers reserve the right to make changes to the event and updates will be based on the information provided on the event website.


112上學期通識主題座談會 「網路獵巫行動:群眾心理與被霸凌者的療癒」

